Vegetable Stir Fry – My ALL TIME FAV!!

Recipe originally from my grade 9 foods class and altered.


  • vegetables of choice (broccoli, cauliflower, celery, carrots, mushrooms)
  • whole grain noodles
  • coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 2 teaspoons of natural beef or chicken flavoring
  • 2 tablespoons organic soya sauce
  • 1 cup water


  1. Cook desired amount of whole grain noodles
  2. Heat medium sized frying pan, add a tablespoon of coconut oil
  3. Chop vegetables
  4. Place in frying pan, fry until lightly browned
  5. While veggies are cooking, prepare sauce.
  6. Put cornstarch and flavoring into a bowl, add soya sauce and water. Mix with a fork.
  7. Turn pan down to low, pour sauce into pan. Stir until thickened.
  8. Strain noodles and serve on a plate. Poor vegetable mix on top, stir and enjoy!!