Indivial Tortilla Pizzas

These might not look like something fantasic… but if you’re a pizza lover like me these will soon be your new fav!


-whole grain na’an bread or tortillas 

-pizza sauce- organic if you can find it

-desired pizza toppings



1. Preheat oven or toaster oven to 350

2. If you’re using tortillas, fry each side of each tortialla in a frying pan for about 3 minutes each side, this will make the crust more crunchy and crust like.

3. Add pizza sauce, toppings, and cheese to each individual pizza as desired.

4. Place on parchament paper on a cookie sheet, put in oven for about 10 minutes, or until cheese is melted.

5. Enjoy! So easy, so simple, a healtheir version of pizza… you can’t go wrong with this one!