
The vision behind Shayla Kaye Fitness: confidence + the extra 5lbs.

I started this journey and the vision for this company when I was very young, which left both me and my company a lot of room to grow. I started out young and full of passion. I was on a mission. I wanted to be fit, strong, healthy, a hustler, on top of the world… like most, life got a little harder, and slowed me down. I started to grow as a person. My mind became open to new things. I found myself falling into the body positivity, healthy at every size community. I wondered if I was working out for the right reasons. Am I working out solely to be strong and healthy? Or do I care too much about my looks? To be honest, I really wasn’t sure. From this, I went down a journey of self-discovery. I felt the message behind Shayla Kaye Fitness blurred as I asked myself, do I want to be promoting fitness, or body positivity, or both? How do you promote both? I still wasn’t sure, but I kept searching.

And after a while, after a lot of learning and growing, I finally found my answer. What is my true passion and purpose behind Shayla Kaye Fitness? It is, and always has been to help others be the best version of themselves. For me personally, I know I am the best version of myself when I am strong and healthy, but also when I look good and feel confident in my skin. The value that was brought into my life by the deep searching and accepting of different body types, was the deeper accepting of myself, and what I call “the extra 5lbs”. I became to accept the value behind those extra 5lbs that we all carry.

“Those extra 5-10 pounds, that place where your body naturally wants to be- that’s your life. That’s your late night pizza with your man, that Sunday morning bottomless brunch, your favorite cupcake in the whole entire world because you wanted to treat yourself. Those 5-10 pounds are your favorite memories, your unforgettable trips, your celebrations of life.

Those extra 5-10 pounds are your spontaneity, your freedom, your love.” – author unknown

This, this really hit the spot for me, in all my searching, this is what I have found. I want you to be strong and fit. I want you to be healthy and confident and be the best version of you. But I also want you to embrace your extra 5lbs. I want you to enjoy your favorite coffee creamer, pizza with your friends, Sunday chocolate.

 Most of all, I want you to be happy.

2020 was a challenging year for me personally. My mental health really struggled, and it showed physically. Summer 2021, I set out on a journey for self improvement, both mentally and physically. I ended up losing about 20lbs. I did the home workout program, ate following the 80/20 lifestyle (see meal guide for reference), and did a lot of walking, which was mostly for my mental health, but of course was great for me physically as well. The mental and physical improvement I felt after just a few months was incredible!

My transformation was about so much more than just the physical. It’s important to remember that physical and mental health really do work hand in hand. When you start to feel better mentally, it will show physically. 

PLEASE NOTE: Shayla Kaye Fitness is not responsible for injury due to exercise. Please remember to consult your physician before partaking in any new physical activity. When performing any kind of exercise, be sure to take breaks as needed and to drink plenty of water.