Obsessed with dolls >>

Proud big sister >>

Loved to babysit >>

The cool auntie >>

Teacher >>

Talked early >>

Talked “too much” >>

Talked “too loud” >>

Outspoken & stands up for herself >>

4H public speaking high achiever >>

Teacher >>

Sharer >>

A few months ago when I decided to look through some older photos, I almost laughed when I noticed some pretty direct paralells in my life. After a year of a lot of growth and change, I realized that no matter how many big or small things change, the most important things about us will always stay the same. 

Who were you before the world told you who you should be?

I believe we all born with a sense of who we are meant to be. I was a loud and proud toddler dragging her baby dolls around, and showing off her new baby brother proudly. I was the loudest one in every classroom, and the one who babysat over partying on weekends. Little did I know that one day I would be running that classroom, and filling the closet in my spare room with toys for all the sleepovers my nieces would have at my first house.

Somewhere along the way, we start to get told that who we are, and what we love isn’t okay. I was told it was “weird” how much time I wanted to spend with my brother. I always talked “too much” and “too loud”, my 4H public speaking metals didn’t hold any value to so many people and my obsessant need to overshare and make friends with strangers was frowned upon. I, like so many, started to crawl into the hole others dug for me in fear of being judged for who I was. 

I was lucky enough through some hard life lessons, I learned that I would have rathered be hated for who I was, than loved for who I wasn’t. I use the word “lucky” here because I know some people don’t ever get this far. 

I’m happiest when I’m loud and laughing, dancing and telling jokes like no one is watching. I love a night of letting lose as much as the next girl, but nothing makes me happier than a bed ful of babes to snuggle (Paw Patrol stuffies included). Being big sister grew throughout my life and expanded past being just Hudson’s big sister (which is still my favorite thing to be) but being the big sister figure to his friends and mine, youngsters I grew up with, and more. Other girls were getting hit on in the bar last weekend, but everytime I turned around someone introduced me as “this girl is like a sister to me”. Standing in front of my students I get to run the room, which has secretly been a dream of mine. There’s so many things I get to teach them and tell them, and I love every minute of it. 

I call myself a sharer these days, I have always, since I was so young, felt that pull to share my story, my life, and to use it to help and inspire others. I have tried this in many ways, but have fallen in love with sharing my life on my Instagram stories, which I plan on continuing to do as long as it feels right. Although some things don’t quite fit into an Instagram profile, which is why I found myself opening up this site again.

In the tractor with my little bro, 2o14 and 2020

Always by happiest with a lap full of babes.
With my friends 2 daughters in 2014 (left) and with my nieces (aka little cousins) in 2021 (right)

August long weekend 2014, at a barrel race with my friends daughter (left)
August long weekend 2021, at a bull riding with my niece (right)

Me, Chief & my messy bun, 2015 and 2022

And an extra special shoutout to those special people who have been their all along, and who loved me even when I couldn’t love myself.Â