Because I don’t know a single person, with or without kids, who feels like cooking a big breakfast on Christmas or Easter morning. I finally perfected this extremely easy recipe to solve that problem!

Holiday Morning Cinnamon Roll French Toast Casserole:


-2 cans of Cinnamon rolls (I use pilzberry)
-1/2 cup melted butter
-1/3 cup of sugar
-2 eggs
-3/4 cup whipping cream
-3 tsp cinnamon
-1/4 nutmeg
-2 tsp vanilla extract
-icing from cinnamon roll packages


1. In a large mixing bowl, combine melted butter, sugar. Beat in eggs, cream, cinnamon, nutmeg, and vanilla.

2. Open canned cinnamon rolls, coat them in the egg mixture before placing them in a greased 9×13 casserole dish. Cut cinnamon rolls into halfs or fourths to make them fit into dish, or if you desire smaller servings. Pour any leftover mixture evenly over the casserole.

4. The original recipe calls to top the casserole with peacans (pictured) for holidays I will usually scratch that and top with sprinkles of the holiday colors to make it more fun.

5. Place covered in fridge over night or put in the oven straight away. Bake for 35 mins at 350.

6. Once casserole is removed from the oven, warm icing in microwave (approx. 15 seconds) and drizzle over the casserole.

7. All done! Easy and delicous!