An open letter to a girl on her graduation day.

An open letter to a girl on her graduation day.

An open letter to a girl on her graduation day: Written September 4, 20202.5 years after my high school graduation           I graduated about 2.5 years ago. It’s been 2.5 years of so much growth and learning. When I think back to high school, I think about so many...
Do it for your inner child.

Do it for your inner child.

Obsessed with dolls >> Proud big sister >> Loved to babysit >> The cool auntie >> Teacher >> Talked early >> Talked “too much” >> Talked “too loud” >> Outspoken & stands up for herself...
365 days.

365 days.

365 days. 365 days on my own. And here’s what I’ve learned: You are more. More than any man, or anyone ever says you are. You are enough. It’s ridiculous how enough you are. You are worthy. Worthy of love and respect, just simply because you exist....