BBQ Chicken Bites

Recipe inspo from Instagram.

This is one of my favorite meals to meal prep! I pack it along side carrots & dip for my lunches!


  • chicken breasts (2 per person to serve)
  • coconut oil
  • Mrs. Dash Chicken seasoning
  • Amazing Dad’s Sauce BBQ Sauce (organic)


  1. Chop chicken into small chunks, place into frying pan on medium heat, fry chicken until lightly browned and cooked throughout (no pink inside)
  2. While chicken cooks in pan, sprinkle Mrs. Dash Chicken Spice over chicken and stir, add a tablespoon of coconut oil
  3. When chicken is completely cooked, turn the heat source off, add BBQ sauce by spreading a light layer over the top of the chicken and stirring, keep adding and tasting until you’ve reached your desired amount
  4. Serve in a bowl or over rice, enjoy!!