An open letter to a girl on her graduation day:

Written September 4, 2020
2.5 years after my high school graduation

          I graduated about 2.5 years ago. It’s been 2.5 years of so much growth and learning. When I think back to high school, I think about so many things, but mostly how different things are now.

So here’s what I wish I knew, here’s what I want you, sweet girl, to know on your graduation day:

You’ve never lived in your own world. You were born into your parent’s world, that’s the world you were brought up in. And the high school you went to, the people in it, they created that space for you. But now it is time for you to create your own world. You get to choose who and what is in it. Choose wisely.

Be yourself. Stay true to who you are. There is nobody in the world like you. You have something within you that the world needs, your job is to share it. Don’t ever let anyone tell you who or what you should be. You never should be anything but truly authentically who you are at your core.

No one else has the answers. Not your mom. Not your teachers. Not your grandparents. Not your friends. Not google. You have them. And although some of them will be hidden deep inside you, hard to find. They are there. Find them.

Trust your gut. My aunt passed away at the age of 64 after a long battle with illness. On her death bed, her last words to her nieces, daughters & granddaughters were just that, trust your gut. That feeling in the pitt of your stomach. The voice in the back of your mind. Don’t you ever ignore it.

Self-growth/love is underrated. Do it well and do it often.

Always make your health a priority, workout, sleep, put on moisturizer, drink water, eat healthy. You don’t know how important it is until you lose it.

F*ck the extra 5lbs. That’s your favorite food, your Ben & Jerry’s on Bachelor night, drinks with your girlfriends, your favorite coffee creamer, and those things aren’t worth giving up.

Find your tribe and love them hard. Seriously. Hold onto those people who are there for you with all your might.

The right man for you will love you for EXACTLY who you are. Even those things everyone else finds annoying. Don’t ever settle for less than that.

If he done you wrong, slash only three tires, if all four are slashed insurance will cover it.

I don’t care if she’s your best friend or your family member or anyone else, if they disrespect you and make you feel like less than you are, they’ve gotta go. You’ll never regret getting rid of a toxic person in your life. No matter how hard it is.

Wear whatever the heck you want.

Don’t ever be afraid to speak your truth.

Don’t be afraid to spend money on home decor.

Don’t ever give up on yourself.

No matter what happens, it’s part of the plan, you’ve got this babe, even when you think you don’t.

Congratulations girl! Hold on for the ride, because life is just about to get good.